UFO Calcium Block for Crayfish & Shrimps
UFO Calcium Block for Crayfish & Shrimps is a Calcium block made of Natural Minerals & Spirulina .
UFO Calcium Block for Crayfish & Shrimps helps strengthen the shell of Shrimp & Crayfishes
Magnesium helps in growth, Helps prevent Molt death failure.
Spirulina helps to enhance the color of the shrimp
Chitosan an important element helps to molt completely. Promotes growth & stimulation of molting.
Various other important minerals added for crayfish & shrimp growth .
UFO Calcium Block for Crayfish & Shrimps Usage Directions
Use the same amount size of the crayfish or shrimp you own . Eg. If crayfish is the size of the block , you may use the whole block . If you have multiple shrimps or crayfish in tank , please use an approximate estimation . Will not alter the PH or pollute water .
Users of this product may like to use this product in conjunction with Red Bee Mineral Balls or Grey Bee Mineral Balls which will help to
purify water , stabilize PH ,deodorize water and many other benefits for dwarf shrimps .
Weight : 10g
Product of Thailand
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